Eye Patching for Success
3 ways Eye Patching can help:
Brain balancing
Start on the right eye -patch 5 mins
Switch to the left eye - patch 5 mins
Finish on the left eye- patch for 5 mins
Work up to 20 mins per eye
Therapeutically (patch for 20 minutes at least)
Once you’ve discovered which eye makes you feel the most calm & relaxed when patched use the patch to help interrupt the patters of:
Racing Thoughts
Restlessness or sleeplessness
Memorize or study with one patched
Switch eyes memorize or study with the other eye patched
Uncover both eyes and memorize or study with both eyes open. You get 3 perspectives.
Eye Patching Rules
USE IT! It’s like going to the gym, you’re not going to get results unless you use your tools and remain consistent. The more you patch the more it will help
BE SAFE! With one eye covered your sight will be impaired. No driving, using sharp objects etc. Be smart!
BOTH eyes must be open in order for this to work.
Patching in a completely dark room will not work. There has to be at least a small amount of light so that your brain knows there is information to be processed.