You’ve made a HUGE step in your healing journey!
Today, you showed up for YOU! You’re already winning!
Here are some tips and tricks for after your session.
Some things to remember:
Healing isn’t always easy but, I promise it’s worth it and more importantly, YOU are worth it!
If your body needs rest, honor it and give it rest. It may need time to process and catch up. This is normal.
Stay hydrated! You will be detoxing. If you begin to get a headache you may need to up your water intake. Electrolytes may also help with the processing.
Be mindful of the content, music and things you consume over the next 48 hours. Try to avoid music with negative words, movies or videos with graphic, violent or dark themes. Your mind is very impressionable after session work. I encourage you to consume things that are positive and uplifting to support you in your new patterns.
Eye Patch! Eye Patch! Eye Patch! I highly encourage you to utilize this powerful brain balancing tool. This will prep and assist your brain in receiving all of the healing processes on a deeper level.
GIVE YOURSELF GRACE! Be compassionate with yourself. If you have ouchie emotions that come up try not to place a judgment on them. Honor them and recognize that they are coming up to be acknowledged, healed and released. Sometimes you may feel a little tender or emotional after sessions. This is okay. That’s why this is called a journey. Give yourself room to breathe & time to process. Feel your feelings and let them go. Visualize the highest form of love, light & truth filling you up and replacing each and every negative feeling you just released.
I highly encourage you to watch all of the videos under the “At Home Self Care” for additional support. Put these things into practice. Implementing these quick, easy tools will assist you in re-patterning for success!
Thank you again for choosing me to be a part of your journey. It is an honor to hold space for you and support you in your success!
This practice helps you get choose of horizontal alignment and out of the energy of anxiety, depression, overwhelm and more and choose into Divine Vertical Alignment with God.
Closing your circuits is extremely important after any processing work, including at-home processing.
This is an integrative body learning practice that helps you to manage an recalibrate your energy.
It helps you protect your energy while also concisely choosing to step out of the old and into the new.
Drawing light into my body
Washed clean on all layers and levels
3X Closed, Complete, bringing everything into wholeness.
Divine Alignment, Grounding, Containment & Protection Through Christ
This practice helps you choose out of horizontal alignment and OUT of the energy of anxiety, depression, overwhelm and choose INTO peace and Divine Vertical Alignment with God
Eye Patching is a GREAT tool to assist you in your healing journey and acts as a pattern interrupts. The more pattern interrupts you have in place the easier it is to create something healthy and new.
Gratitude can be a very powerful tool for shifting out of lower vibrating emotions and into your higher desired frequency.
The literal WORD of God in Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”
With your own thoughts and words you can speak life or death over your life and the lives of others.
I encourage you to utilize this powerful gift to repattern for success!
In Dr. Masaru Emoto’s book, The Hidden Messages in Water, he shares his findings on the effects that words have on water molecules.
If our bodies are made up of 60%-80% water can you imagine the influence that our thoughts, words, music and the content we consume have on our physical body and out mental health?
This is the 4R’s Process. Remove, Restore, Reclaim, Reorganize.
Use this process to clean up, process and manage your emotions in a healthy way.
IRT or Immediate Release Technique was developed by The Rapid Eye Institute. This is a great, simple technique to manage and process your emotions from home or in between sessions.
IRT or Immediate Release Technique was developed by The Rapid Eye Institute. This is a great, simple technique to manage and process your emotions from home or in between sessions.